Your dream is to balance between work and personal life. Unfortunately, you are unable to balance the two because you normally have lots of things to do after work. Now its time to rest and leave all the creative work to Us. We are here for you.
Is the paper clutter and unorganised filing systems leaving you feeling stressed, chaotic and overwhelmed?
We can create customised documents and creative pieces to suit your needs.
Do you need some extra help but employing an additional staff member isn’t within your budget?
Take something else off your “To Do” list while we take care of your social media accounts.
Do you enjoy your work area?
Do you lose valuable time looking for files and documents?
Is the paper clutter and unorganised filing systems leaving you feeling stressed out, disorderly and overwhelmed?
Together, we will create a personalized action plan to create a more effective office and work area, producing a sense of calm and order, improving performance and efficiency and enhancing functionality all allowing you to focus your valued time on more crucial tasks, like growing your business!
• Organising furniture and equipment to make more effective use of the work area
• Overcoming the mess
• Developing effective paper flow management
• Setting up easy to use filing systems– both physical and electronic
• Office storage solutions
• Organise drawers, desktops, cupboards and shelves
• Plan, reconfigure and organise efficient and efficient working zones
• Coordinate the donation of undesirable items
• Research and purchase required supplies (furniture, equipment, stationery, storage, labelling etc).
• Analyse existing procedures.
• Create a list of new business documentation required.
• Office inventory: arrange, create stock take list, source competitive prices for orders, create ordering procedures.
• Computers: folder, calendar, email and contact tidy up.
• Office procedure manuals.
• Archive and safely dispose of old paperwork.
• Create an ongoing maintenance plan.